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Is chess hard to play? Does chess increase IQ?

Chess is a mind strategy game between two players. Is not a difficult game but is not a game for everybody. Rules for plaing chess. Chess is a 64 alternative black-white squares, on a board game, with 32 pieces , 16 white pieces for one player and 16 black pieces for the other one. What are the 16 pieces in chess called?  1 king, 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, 8 pawns Who move first at the beginning of a chess game? Whites move first. Chess is played acording to precise rules and the goal is to attack and capture the most important piece, the king . The way, one of the players, force the king to his combatant to move in no other place without being attacked, it's called shakemate. Shakemate closes the game. Does chess make you smarter? It seem so! Studies made on groups of students showed a raise of their  IQ after 4 months of playing chess.
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IQ test importance

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