There are hundred and hundred of different cocktails, some of which experience fleeting popularity before disappering into obscurity while othees remain popular for decades.
Cocktails, wether served at a dedicated cocktail party or as a precursor to an elegant meal, lend an air of sophistication and glamour.
But what exactly is a cocktail? Traditionally, they are mixed drinks, consisting of one or more spirits, together whit flavourings such as fruit, fruit juice, liqueur, syrup, herbs or spices. With a few exceptions, such as Flaming Lamborghini, they are chilled, shaken or stirred whith ice, and served over ice or in chilled glasses.
Why 'cocktail' ?
There are dozens of different possible sources for the word, including coquetier, a French egg-cup in which the drinks were served in a New Orleans bar in the early 19th century; a mixed-breed horse called a cock-tail; decocta, Latin for distilled; a cock's tail, either that worn by George Washington in his hat or by officers in a particular regiment or one put into drinks to indicate that they contained alcohol; the tailings(dregs) at the bottom of a cask that were drained out through the cock(tap), mixed up and sold cheaply; and 'cock's ale', an ale served at cock fights and in wgich a sack of half-cooked chiken and other ingredients had been fermented for several days.
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